Tutor AI
Free Online Courses

Explore some of our courses generated by other users to help you get started with Tutor AI.

Human Geography
Human Geography

This module delves into the spatial aspects of human existence, including population, culture, urbanization, economic activities, and the relationships between human societies and their environments.

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Classical Mechanics
Classical Mechanics

Delve into the study of motion and the forces that cause it, covering topics such as Newton's laws and kinetic energy.

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Introduction to Human Resources
Introduction to Human Resources

This module provides an overview of the role of human resources in organizations, including its functions, responsibilities, and impact on employee management.

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Introduction to Circular Economy
Introduction to Circular Economy

This module provides an overview of the concept of circular economy, its principles, and its importance in sustainable resource management.

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Introduction to Molecular Biology
Introduction to Molecular Biology

This module provides an overview of the fundamental principles and concepts of molecular biology, including the structure and function of biomolecules, cellular processes, and genetic mechanisms.

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Introduction to Zoology
Introduction to Zoology

Explore the history and importance of zoology, as well as the fundamental concepts and principles that govern the study of animals.

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Introduction to Supply and Demand
Introduction to Supply and Demand

This module provides an overview of the fundamental concepts of supply and demand, including the factors that influence them and their impact on market equilibrium.

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Global Market Entry Strategies
Global Market Entry Strategies

This module examines the various strategies and methods for entering and expanding into international markets, including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and foreign direct investment.

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Introduction to Financial Mathematics
Introduction to Financial Mathematics

This module provides a foundational understanding of financial mathematics, covering basic concepts and terminology. Learners will explore the importance of financial mathematics in various financial sectors and understand the role of mathematical models in finance.

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